Privacy Policy

We do not rent, sell, or share your information with anyone else. Your information may be stored in systems that we do not own in the necessary course of business.

Your credit card information:

This is the most sensitive data we handle. Actually, technically we don’t even handle it. When you make a payment on our website, your credit card information is sent directly to a secure payment processor. It is not routed through our server, and thus is never stored on our server. Ever.

Your physical address:

We don’t really need your home address, only your country and zip/postal code, but when you sign up for a subscription, it is the software that asks for it. Keep in mind that our back-end database will store any address information you provide to display it, if needed, on your invoices. We have no intention of sending you mail, sorry if you are hoping for a paper letter!

Your email address:

We will use your email address to send you on-boarding emails, as well as News & Updates. The on-boarding subscription is automatic, but you may unsubscribe if you don’t like free stuff. The News & Updates is optional, and can be toggled at checkout. You can also signup for newsletters via the sidebar widget on our website.

If you enter your email during the checkout process and then leave the page, you will be automatically subscribed to a series of emails attempting to bring you back. You may stop these emails at any time, and if you complete the checkout, the campaign will be stopped as well.

When you make a payment, your email address is stored at as part of your user account. This allows you to manage your profile, orders, invoices, etc.

Additionally, your email address is recorded in the system database, so that automated service notifications can be sent to you. There is no opt-out on these, as it is purely transactional email: license activation, low credit notifications, and subscription reminders.

Other stuff:

We use Google Analytics, which means that cookies are used to collect non-identifying information. This is transmitted to servers in the United States owned by Google.

If you submit a question via the contact form or the help button, it will capture similar information and the page you are viewing. This helps so that I don’t tell you to go read something you already saw.

If you have other questions about information not covered here, send an email to [email protected] and we’ll be glad to clarify.